Some of y'all don't really find a problem with the WWE, a billionaire company, giving 5 minute tests which are shown to have a poor track record?
WWE’s Stephanie McMahon Breaks Down Company’s Coronavirus Measures – VarietyYou have any links of current performers saying that, or just anonymous “former employees” that the dirt sheets are running with as facts?
“At a typical event, talent are milling about, they’re at catering or wherever when they’re not actually in part of the show,” Stephanie McMahon, WWE’s chief brand officer, tells Variety. “That’s not allowed now. There’s extensive testing and screening when you first come in the facility regardless of whether you’re a talent, a crew member, or anyone else. Working with our doctors, you have your temperature taken. If you have a temperature over 100.4 degrees, you are automatically asked to leave.”
Dr. Thomas LaVeist, Ph.D, dean of and a professor at Tulane University’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, says that taking temperatures constitutes “the first line of testing,” but it is not a foolproof method.
“You can certainly still be asymptomatic and still be a carrier and there’s just no way of knowing that by just taking temperatures,” LaVeist tells Variety.
Oh wow, the marks told me wwe don’t do testing or follow guidelines
also the state of Florida allows for 50% capacity but wwe wanting to be extra careful currently is only allowing 20%. what will the marks fake outrage towards now?