I saw Jade's story on IG talking about she was spending too much time on the app and decided to stick with IG since she actually makes money off that app. good for her, these apps really do have people feeling like they the shyt.
Bianca is such a curious case for me tho since I'm unsure as to why people don't even consider her on the level of Rhea or even Toni Storm? Like what exactly is Bianca doing so wrong that people will shyt on her yet praise Liv/Toni Storm and Rhea like they're the second coming of Austin and Rock. It's baffling to me. ooooh Bianca isn't over she's getting booed, uhh she was up against Becky who was a mega babyface who randomly turned heel and decided to not put in any effort to no sell babyface chants.

of course she's gonna get some boos in that kind of feud.

at Corny calling Jade Shelton B? Not surprised. Same dude who said he would stop reviewing AEW many times.