I've got no problems with lists and reviews. But every time I go on XXL/Source websites, it's basically column-after-column with no actual journalism.
I'm not even asking them to do "investigative" reporting -- just interview some people or do an article with some conflict or somethin

most of the stuff I read is glorified press releases, rarely talking down on an artist or project.
ESPN, on the other hand, is widely looked at as trash according to people I talk to. I think the hate for it just falls under general ESPN hate. ESPN the Magazine has entirely too much advertising, BUT THAT'S WHY THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE IS SO DAMN CHEAP SO STOP COMPLAINING.
Every ESPN has at least 2-3 good reads, a bunch of fun interviews..but the real value is in the Insider subscription. Sh1t is priceless. So worth it.
I am a subscriber to both that and SI. SI is the better read, but ESPN is a more fun, imo. And the price difference is