i finally finished up the season and i thought it was pretty good, its kinda funny to me that the only one of the three vampires to take responsibilty for the things he does is the laziest of them all.
i really felt for laz at the end of the season. all of that and he doesnt remember it. also really curious about colin robinson and other energy vampires and variants. do they all have a rebirth cycle with memories stored in them? why didnt he tell anyone about the secret closet when it could have saved time and heartbreak. has colin done this before, and who was that woman he claimed was his grandma in the ghost episode?
nandor and nadja were rooted in fukkery this season, nadja the good kind and nandor the bad. i kinda hope they keep with the bar scene next season as it was a good break from the house stuff, but with the bankroll back, probably not. as bad as i felt for nandors existential crisis last season, he turned it around and made me want gizmo to tell him to fukk off this one. its like he learned nothing and just went right back to being a selfish a$$hole. but the shyt with gizmos boyfriend was a step too far. he should have dusted the wife like all the others when he was done instead of sending it off.
another thing that gets me is they somehow keep forgetting gizmo is a damn vampire hunter with all the shyt talking. hell nadja almost got sent to the shadow realm by his family and they just awakened to being hunters. and in the end she was still talking shyt like gizmo was gonna let her kill his family.
love that nick kroll came back too. they all play off each other so well and its always fukkery when he shows up.