Yeah, technically she *can* sing. She has the ability to sing. She's not a great singer at all tho.
I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying when I say she *can* sing and somehow think I'm saying she's a great singer or something.
But whatever, we've gone back and forth enough. Either u get it or u don't.
As for her range, whatever range she sings in when she sings "Clumsy", "Glamorous". Her vocals are on some Contralto type range.
Again, she ain't a great singer. Average at best
As for 112, those guys are average.
Sure they've all sung lead from time to time, but just because u sing lead don't automatically make u a great singer.
Just like Fergie singing the National Anthem, just cause she sung it don't mean she a great singer and clearly she's not.
Bottom line when it comes to 112 vs. Jodeci, has never sounded better than Jodeci, period.
Q, Slim, Daron and Mike's vocals were nowhere near as great as K-Ci and JoJo's when they were in Jodeci.
I wasn't comparing 112 and Jodeci now past their primes, I'm talking bout when they were in their primes.
It's pointless to compare them now.

Both K-Ci and JoJo sung with a lot of emotion. Just different ranges and vocal tones. But both them nikkas poured their hearts out on songs back in the day.
K-Ci and JoJo were on drugs, so being great vocalists took the back seat for them once their addictions took over.
Their voices are gone because of drugs and because they couldn't over come their addictions in time to save their voices.
It's not really a song in particular, it's the way Beyonce' sounds when she's singing.
I don't know how many times I have to say it, but she just doesn't bring it w/ that emotion, natural passion and feeling vocally.