Pit Bull

That shyt is ass when you rewatch it now.
Smart Guy is super underrated. Moe and Marcus should've had a spin off
I remember being highly dissapointed when Bernie Mac show debuted. I wanted raunchy, 90s Bernie Mac. I still don't like that show.
Moesha is classic. The one liners from Steve Harvey show is classic too. Just classic 90s ignant ghetto shyt.
I'm going with the later seasons of Wayans Brothers though.
this is what i wanna knowhow are these second tier? and second to whom? martin? fresh prince?
bernie mack show, everyone hate chris, jamie foxx show etc.. are great to me
Vote for the best and why
It’s not up there with the top 3, at all. I liked it but I don’t even have it over Everybody Hates Chris or Bernie Macnothing about My Wife and Kids was 2nd tier
The first 4 seasons were indeed great. But it went on for a total of 9, and that second half was downright too despicable to have the show be a GOAT
and the cosby showEssence Atkins stays getting this Black sitcom money lol - Smart Guy, Half & Half, Are We There Yet, Mr. Box Office, and now Marlon. I even remember her being on that show Under One Roof. I feel like she was on Saved By The Bell at one point as well but I can't remember.