I`d say ones that are absolute classics that are games that I enjoyed every second of.
- Uncharted 2, probably the best game of this generation. No game felt as big as this one did, felt like you were playing in a blockbuster action movie and all the characters were endearing to the player.
- Bioshock, the atmosphere and world this game created is unmatched in any game of this gen. Film worthy.
- Mass Effect trilogy. No other game made you feel like your decisions mattered more than this one did. Also, great universe they created and the characters were awesome.
- Super Mario Galazy 1 & 2. Just the epitome of fun. Pure fun levels, the reason why I originally loved gaming.
- Portal, the creativity and puzzle solving was unmatched.
- Fallout 3, the post apocolyptic world that is created is a beauty. Exploration was a blast and just overall a great game worth every penny.
- Oblivion/Skyrim, beautiful worlds, great exploration and endless things to do and see. Exploration is unmatched and the RPG elements are wonderful
- Halo 2, never had an online multiplayer experience like that one before.
- NFL 2l5, felt like a revolution in football games, only to be deaded.
I`m sure there is more, but those are the ones just off the top of my head, most recent.