Milk N Cookies

(Self-titled) Queen of the Film Room
Sep 4, 2013
Movies and tv shows
I might have to check it out. I forgot it existed.
So did Cartoon Network, they just started airing new episodes again. If Cartoon Network rocked with it; it would be shown daily in reruns like with We Bare Bears, Gumball, Uncle Grandpa & Teen titans Go. But they don't. Hell, they show My Knight & me more than they show Power Puff Girls. It's just not that good. And Cartoon Network is also pushing their other new shows. They now have to compete with drawing in an audience in competition with the above & new comers like Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (which looks kinda blah.) and the Ben 10 reboot.

Ben 10 name alone is bringing in a huge crowd. And if done right it's gonna do well. Powerpuff girls began in the late 90s so their core base is in their late 20's mid 30s (myself included) so it was being critiqued hard. Ben 10 fans are in their teens and early 20s now; it's gonna get the same although it's aimed at a younger audience. Powerpuff girls is trash. I don't think anyone is here for it, although it's WAY better than the other Power Puff Girls reboot.