Physics and Math come pretty easy to me. In college I finished with the highest grade a few times. I'm good at learning and getting things done, getting comfortable in the uncomfortable.
I wouldn't say I'm some super genius though, because most super geniuses are basically 14-year-old kids finishing these courses at Caltech and M.I.T. Think of the standard deviation curve. Most of the ultra-smart geniuses who belong in that 1% aren't your normal college-aged people you're in class with.
I've realized that even the smarter people who were in my classes weren't impressing any professors because they've seen kids half that person's age do the same thing
Anyways, in general:
Few people are in that 0.5% to 0.1% to the right.
Most people who consider themselves smart or gifted at something are usually in that 15.0% to 9.2% because if they were really in that top percentage at something they probably wouldn't be in a thread like this. That's what I've come to learn and some free game to some people who deal with imposter syndrome.