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No more PAWGs, PLEASE??!!!??
Brer Rabbit/Anasi
I'd love a sim/game about running Eugene Bullard's nightclub 'Le Grand Duc' in Francedude lived a life crazier than most would believe possible
Eugene J. Bullard
Eugene Jacques Bullard is considered to be the first African-American military pilot to fly in combat, and the only African-American pilot in World War I.airandspace.si.edu
Eugene Bullard, Black Expatriate in Jazz-Age Paris
Harlem’s ‘French’ Hero: The Multi-Talented Eugene Bullard - New York Almanack
Eugene Bullard was an African-American who volunteered to fight in Europe for liberties denied him at home - he was beaten in the Peekskill Riot.www.newyorkalmanack.com
First African American combat pilot and multi-talented legend. He's my GOAT.