... Million Man March . . .
. . Open-World in DC / surrounding-area . .. main character is a rookie FBI agent from Northern PG tasked with investigating rumors of domestic terror attacks by white supremacists . . "act one" would be more focused on procedural aspects of an investigation .. interviewing NPCs - typical side-quests being a good-samaritan ... you have to obey the law and act in accordance with your federal training otherwise you get a Mission Failed screen . . . but then as the main storyline proceeds and the March occurs on the National Mall - the agent discovers an internal conspiracy that causes him to resign from his position and go off the grid to join up with a group of nationalists . .. "Act 2" is where the genre shifts into more of a Metal Gear Solid framework - sneaking into the Capitol Building, White House, Pentagon, etc. .. carrying out "righteous" asassinations . . ... stealth surveillaince in the middle of the night in Arlington National . . . "Act 3" shifts into uncharted territory away from what happened in real-life and brings the realization that you played into the conspiracy and you and your group are being set-up in order to justify a Race War . . . . this section of the game involves skirmishes and fire-fights between large groups of people and would be a hybrid of Dynasty Warriors / Advance Wars type-blend of strategy and real-time shooter including "Settlements" similar to Fallout 4 . .. there would still be the Open-World aspect to enable looting enemy encampments, arming and fortifying your own allies' strongholds and general fukkery with side-quests encouraging you to sabotage the enemy in creative ways aside from large-scale combat (Hitman-type kills) . . . . destroying power-grids.. poisoning their water supply.. capturing devils and putting them into forced-labor in your territories to passively build up your own stats - and optional QuickTime torture sessions. . .dealing with traitors and snitches. . . . freeing the people from internment camps . . . im trying to think if it would be possible to have a realistic "good" ending . . or if it would just end with Amerikkka being invaded ala Red Dawn while everybody was distracted by the "Color Clash" . . .. and nukes raining down across the country as the end credits play a chopped-and-screwed version of Whitney's National Anthem performance. . . ..