People with your last name are:
2.61 % white
93.93% black
0% asian
1.23% hispanic
Everyone else either wrote down their race as "other" or filled out their census form incorrectly.
Your name is the #19272 most common last name in the U.S. at 0.00044605566654% of the population. There are currently 1301 people in the country with this name.
Your White Name Index is 1.0296132737. This measures how easily someone can guess you are white based on your name alone, on a scale of 0 to 100.
Your Simpson Biodiversity Index is 0.116955766162 . This measures how much the name MAYWEATHER is shared among different ethnic groups, on a scale of 0 to 1 (higher numbers are shared more).
Why?I didn't use my last name, I used my bf's.
Looks like their research isn't wrong.
Better make sure it's no first.She kinda cute
Mostly White
People with your last name are:
50.45 % white
36.66% black
6.57% asian
2.77% hispanic
Everyone else either wrote down their race as "other" or filled out their census form incorrectly.
Your name is the #9321 most common last name in the U.S. at 0.00110091064201% of the population. There are currently 3211 people in the country with this name.
Your White Name Index is 29.3781871015. This measures how easily someone can guess you are white based on your name alone, on a scale of 0 to 100.
Your Simpson Biodiversity Index is 0.606178135984 . This measures how much the name DASH is shared among different ethnic groups, on a scale of 0 to 1 (higher numbers are shared more).
You forgot about them FilipinosWas kind of on the high Asian figures since the names so Spanish, but then I remembered some countries in south America have a big Asian population, like I think Ecuador, Peru, etc. So there might've been some mixing there.