Just like most of ya'll I always had sounds and melodies in my head. I had this false notion that every rap producer out there had basements full of records and all i had in my possession was a Jimi Hendrix greatest hit collection vinyl and i didn't even have a record player and bunch of cassette tapes

. I was heavy into Alchemist, Havoc, Rza. Just the way they made their beats were dirty, gritty and the way they painted a picture

. I felt those sounds in my soul, wanted to make something like those. I just knew basic piano back then and all i had was $50 casio keys, back then most producers were sampling so i was like WTF i ma gonna do with this keyboard. Finally Swizz came out and did the whole keyboard chopping, had me like

maybe i can do something here. I hooked my $50 casio to my PC mic in and was using Cool Edit Pro 2 and i was making beats.

... Quantizing the sounds in own head and making 4 bar loops. Beat sounded crappy but i felt like Dre. Than saved up for Yamaha DJX, had a cheap built in sampler in it and a decent 808 kit and went to MPC based.