I never insulted you. Infact I was kind,I never called you a c00n or a cac in my post and I was careful not to do that. Please point me to where I called you a c00n or a cac in my post ?! That is your classic deflection. Neither did I call you a terrible poster, you are telling lies I never said. Stop with the straw man/deflection garbage and lets have real talk breh breh.
I know you are black, you were a lot more normal when I first started posting. Then one day you started going on and on about having a white girlfriend for 4 years and shytting on any black person with an opinion.
"You were once a good poster" else is that supposed to be taken breh

And yea, you're definitely being slick bringing up the fact I had a white girlfriend. That's cool though. And I never went "on and on and on" about it. I mentioned her maybe twice. I've talked about my other exes too but of course that doesn't fit your agenda right now.