So you support the war on drugs... noted.
Look at the boxer rebellion, or even the conspiracy theory around Crack Cocaine and the Black Ghettos.
I think Drugs are special substances and they need to be controlled.
Some people are predisposed to addiction or negative side-effects.
I smoked weed a handful of times in my life, and every time, I felt as if the world was coming down on me. I felt like people were out to kill me, and my sense of motion was so acute and so exaggerate that I felt like my world was out-of-control. I am sure everyone else may have a pleasurable experience with Weed, but I can't tolerate it.
Same goes for Caffiene. I once drank a Rockstar and two Cokes, and I had to go the Urgent Care because my heart was beating irregularly. I see that some people can drink one whole pot of coffee and nothing will happen to them. I can barely drink one cup without getting amped-up and shaking.
However for alcohol. I can drink a lot more alcohol than a Normal person and I won't get drunk. I have driven around legally drunk so many times in my life, and I even used to drink beer while driving when I was a 20. I am freshly 31 years old now, and I have never received a DUI citation, and I have never got into a car accident. These days, I don't even really drink that much. I drink maybe once every 4 months, so I am not an addict and I never feel an urge to drink. I have a very high tolerance for alcohol.
So basically, I am in the 99th percentile with it comes Alcohol tolerance, but I am in the 99% when comes to Marijuana and Caffeine intolerance. This has nothing to do with my daily consumption or my tolerance build-up. More than likely I was born this way.
Why is this relevant?
Libertarianism is another Ideology that is based on the false assumption of Feel-will. People don't chose to do shyt. They are pushed into their actions or choices by a combination of antecedent conditions, Genetics and environment.
If Person A is an predisposed to be an Addict of Crack with one dose of Crack, then I don't think person A would be an addict to Crack if it was completely unavailable. He could have had a nice productive life if Crack was completely banned. If the system allowed Crack to become available to him, it's the system's fault not his. He has no choice, he is was born to be an addicted and the system allowed the addictive substance to get within his possession.