PSX birth to Dreamcast death era
Developers were taking more risks than now. Playstation games went in directions we've never seen before and since and more unique titles were released then than now.
The death of dreamcast somewhat squashed that in my opinion. This was a truly groundbreaking and innovative console and killed a company that was a real risk taker.
- Games were priced better
- More games were released (PSX's ridiculously large catalog)
- Games took huge leaps they never had before (going to 3d, or even within sequels; compared Metal Gear to Metal gear solid...or Ridge racer ONE to R4)
- The birth of more generes of gaming (do you realize how revolutionary Resident Evil 1 was?)
- Absolutely HUGE worlds because of storage capacity of disc media. Remember the first time you got the airship in FFVII
- The best developers were willing to spend to squeeze more out of dreamcast and Playstation titles as the console aged (look at SFa3...that game was absolutely huge and IMO still the best 2D fighter ever on consoles).
- It was the last time I really felt like gameplay was the first thing people cared about and developers would innovate because of it. Look at titles like Shenmue, Tenchu, Parappa the rapper...etc
I could continue but you get it. This was the premier era IMO.