The sad thing is troll threads and comments like these have real life consequences. Some poor science denying dumbass believes in these conspiracies and religious malarkey and end up paying the price because they think it won't happen to them.
Real life consequences?
This is a friggin sports and hip hop board.
It won't happen to you if you don't do hardcore drugs, don't have booty sex, and don't have sex with those that engage in the aforementioned.
What is consensus behind the cause of AIDS?
There isn't a clear consensus within the medical or scientific communities.
Remember when the science community blamed it on eating contaminated money meat? How laughable, idiotic and disgusting/possibly racist was that theory?
What is it do you see wrong with pointing out the fact that the largest group of infected are those that engage in severely risky behavior to their bodies or those that generally live in unsanitary conditions?