Thats ruff and gonna run some cash

...cause no one company will get you all of the data.
Though the way one of my aunts did it was that she wouldn't tell the rest of the family details unless they chipped in on the test


Anyway to be productive.
- what part of Africa I'm from?
For this one i'd go with
<---black owned & operated also!
(no other company will be more detailed on this subject ...they have the largest database of African ethnic groups on the continent to crosscheck your sequence against)
- ...and our movement through the US?
For this one i'd go with
NOTE: There is no one service that'll do everything
I think that I have just about taken them all. I have taken African Ancestry, AncestryDNA, Family Tree, National Geographic Genome Project and 23andMe. I have also used Gedmatch and DNALand. Everyone of those tests are very good and extremely accurate, but they can only compare you against samples that they have in their database. If those testers do not have a sample in their database then all that they can do is match you against the next closest ethnic group in their database.
1. African Ancestry is the best test for an African in the diaspora to take if they want to know the exact ethnic group that their mother and father belonged to in Africa. Through that test I got my maternal and paternal haplogroups and I learned that my mother's genetic line is Mende from Sierra Leone and my father's genetic line is Bissa from Burkina Faso; both groups of which are Mande people from the the Kingdom of Mali (also the Kingdom of Ghana). Small groups of Bissa are also in Northern Ghana, Northern Togo and Northern Benin. I think this is the perfect test for African Americans to take if they want to know a specific country and a specific ethnic group, because this company has an extremely vast African sample database.
2. AncestryDNA is great for autosomal DNA. For a White run company they have really tried to get their arms around the vast number of ethnic groups in Africa. I applaud them, but at the same time it has to be pointed out that they don't test in a few of significant countries that African American ancestors originated from. They don't samples from people in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Burkina Faso; so countries like the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Mali act as proxies for those other countries which is essentially not accurate if someone is looking for accuracy. Their work showed that I was 86% African (Cameroon/Congo 38%; Ivory Coast/Ghana 32%; Nigeria 7%; Benin/Togo 3%; Mali 2%; Senegal 2%; Africa North 1% and African South Central Hunter gatherer 1%.
3. Family Tree and National Geographic are really accurate, but the databases are not deep for Africans. National Geographic is testing for deep ancestry so the results can be confusing if you are not aware they are testing you for where your ancestors were thousands of years ago. National Geographic gave me my maternal and paternal haplogroup.
4. 23andMe is really accurate for medical stuff, but their testing for genealogy has less samples than AncestryDNA. However, this year 23andMe stepped up their game by getting more samples from Africans. Their assigned me 84% African DNA and they advised me that I had relatives Ghana within the last 200 years and a grandparent, great-grandparent or great-great grandparent that was 100% West African. This test gave me my maternal and paternal haplogroups. The problem here is that they only measure a handful of countries in West Africa (Ghana, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Liberia and Nigeria) so once again test takers are back to getting proxies in place of actual countries
After taking all of these tests I think that they ended up substantiating each other. Ancestry is outstanding for nailing regions. 23andMe is excellent at indicating when an ancestor was last in West Africa and they can even nail a country so long as it is one of the 5 countries that they test. African Ancestry is the best of the tests for locating a specific country and ethnic group and it ended up verifying the regions that Ancestry and 23andMe put me in.
GedMatch is a pretty good service too, but you have to pick the right database or the results will vary.