Yo! This "documentary" was straight trash! I can't believe people are raving about this shyt.
It was annoying how dramatic this show was. You would be trying to read an email he sent someone but then they start zooming in and highlighting random words for dramatic effect. You can also tell they forced some of the people being interviewed to ham it up and be like "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING RN"!? Especially the female homicide detective who acted like this was her first murder ever, lol.
The internet sleuths are a bunch of losers. They didn't do anything except getting some innocent man to kill himself. It's not like Luka was hiding he wanted people to know his name. Also, how tf are you an IT Security professional and have some pyscho killer figure out where you work?
The thing that bothered me the most was how they glossed over the victim like he was nothing, but everyone was practically fainting over the animals. The female detective was having a break down over the dog getting killed but casually mentions Luka playing with Jun's decapitated head in the restroom. The doc really downplayed his murder which was actually pretty horrific and brutal! They barely even talked about him for more than 5 minutes.
Lastly, what was up with the ending where they tried to blame us for watching this? There isn't anything wrong with watching documentaries on killers, but I feel like this particular documentary very insensitive with how they presented things as well as how sensationalized everything is.
The Hunting Magnotta documentary and Sword and Scale podcast do a much better job at telling the story and the podcast goes way deeper into Luka's life.