Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
fresh prince, wayens bros, jamie foxx show, smart guy, sister sister, Martin, rock, moesha, girlfriends, good news sparks malcome and eddie
Steve harvey show, the par'nt hood in living color, different world, living single, in living color south central, family maters ny undercover '
tuesdays and wednesdays used to be live af for the sitcoms. all that upn and the wb was holdin us down
there were way more black shows then than now
befoer blackish abc hasnt had a black family sitcom since my wife and kids. 10 whole years
shonda had to cook up 10 seasons before they let her do scandal
we may have more channels but its just more shows full of white people and 1 black person/minority in it
In that span.... how many were on at the same time though?
i dont recall like a year where say everything you name all aired weekly from a Mon-Fri standpoint