Most posters know I'm Black, so that shyt don't work on me. Ifa comes from the Yoruba people whom are from Nigeria. Santeria is a break off of Ifa. Wicca is something different. Maybe, I should have explained more.
Most posters know I'm Black, so that shyt don't work on me. Ifa comes from the Yoruba people whom are from Nigeria. Santeria is a break off of Ifa. Wicca is something different. Maybe, I should have explained more.
Exactly wicca aint got nothing to do with AfricaRuns in the family.
Do me a favor tho and don’t group our shyt with Wicca or any of that other shyt cacs use to slither their way into the equation.
You don't need to be interested in anything else right now breh. Right now your a unemployed LGBT volunteer that's an ex c00n and crazy wrestle head. Last thing you need under your belt is this shyt
Surprisingly enough I just matched with a sista on tinder who calls herself the hoodwitch and sells enchanted douches to other women...
enchanted douches
enchanted douches
مسحور نضح
Surprisingly enough I just matched with a sista on tinder who calls herself the hoodwitch and sells enchanted douches to other women...
I'm dead serious breh
It runs in my family on both sides, so I've been involved with this for long as I can remember. I started out just assisting my grandma and aunt, then when I was about 8 they started to teach me.
My grandmma had a nice little side hustle selling roots and Performing readings. She bought me a dreamcast with some of the money she made from it
To this day im convinced my grandma was shapeshifting into a cat. The thing the would just randomly be walking around our house some days then disappear. And my aun't wouldn't let me touch it. When I found out this was possible I hit the face.
There's a rumor that my aunt had spirits drive her ex boyfriend crazy. He killed himself a couple of weeks after he dumped her