@ cockmeat I had an Xbox too with xbox live as soon as it dropped XBox nfl 2k3
... Halo 2 came close or was as good as socom 2 ...just 2 totally opposite games space vs realistic respawn vs 1 life per round FPS vs TPS ...the other games you listed dont touch socom 2
Nah bruh, the problem here is you didn't have a mind of your own
Your sentiment is identical to a person who didn't play the games, just knows the names
You see, Rainbow 6 & Rainbow 6 black Arrow shytted all over Socom something fierce.
Now people who didn't know any better (like fanboy children on videogame systems) thought that once a game came to the other system.. it was all the same thing.
Reality was everything Tom Clancy was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ON XBOX.
Max Payne 1 was also different games in terms of how they played.
Ghost Recon was
Rainbow was
Men of Valor was the best FPS of last gen, but the majority of gamers slept on that game
It had tall grass that you could hide in. Or shallow grass that would cover you enough that people couldn't see you unless they was near you.
Little shyt like that made it >>>>>
Return to Castle Wolfenstien was a launch title I believe, and ended up being a better game than Socom as well.. More fun too.
What put Socom so high on peoples radars was these factors...
1.) Single Player was beyond EXCELLENT
2.) Name another online exclusive shooter for ps2, I'll wait
Reality is Socom was the first FPS for a lot of you youngins. That means it holds a special place in your hearts. I guess thats why I liked Wolfenstien so much? Once Socom finally dropped, I had all of them. Didn't like it more than Rainbow 6. Socom 4 is actually a very solid game, but once again
Slept on