lesnar hhh was underwhelming but still a good match
ryback cena was surprisingly entertaining, though shouldn't ryback have the belt?
sheamus mark henry was terrible
kofi vs ambrose was one of the best matches I thought..ambrose's moveset is damn good with the chicken wing and everything
tag team battle was ok, was that a kick to the neck off the top rope or a botched leg drop? looked like a kick but I never seen that before
fandango Jericho was alright, I thought fandango should've won unless they got title plans for Jericho, which is doubtful
adr vs swagger could have ended with a dirty tea party ref gimmick, since when do they have replay? thought the ending was wack and thought them asking for I quit every two seconds ruined the match too
orton vs show was okay as well, but the feud was pointless