Again, I saw a study where they removed these aggressive animals and the group became peaceful and loving of one another. No hierarchy, at least the way we see it, and everyone got along. I wish I can remember what it was but I can't but it was on pbs.
Again, you have to study the environment. Also, who is the one conducting the study because if you want to find violence being the way it's supposed to be, that is what you will find. I don't care because it doesn't change the fact in what I find in my own life, and that is the intelligent man who can use violence, and manipulation to protect himself against the crazy, power thirsty people will always be on top BUT on top doesn't mean being a king or having people adore you, but living in peace, and happiness which is eating good food, having good sex, and enjoying friends and family in good health. A narcissist person will look at me like I'm weak because they have a thirst for being a king, and the best but they usually aren't. I have seen violence first hand and it doesn't work in the long run, I don't care what a scientist states, I lived it. The one who can humble himself and work with others will always win in LIFE. I seen it firsthand.
you're making it too complex.