The Arabs that displaced Africa's in North Africa are the same fags that sold Africans into slavery to Europeans.
There is a massive amount of artifacts from ancient Kemet proving it was a full Black civilization, but many are in private collections and hidden away in museum storages. This is fact.
They only bring out the pale face eurasion stuff from after the 30th dynasty.
In the book of Samuel or kings. Saul went to a witch to conjure up the spirit of Samuel for advice. Samuel appeared and predicted to Saul that he will die in the very next battle, and that by this time tomorrow, he, Saul, will be “here” with him. Where is “here”?
Souls can be anything. The legal way souls are to become immaterial is through natural birth. New baby. But some souls are reckless, evil. They’re the ones that “possess” a grown body. And they are condemned by lord of hosts. And they know their condemnation. They know he’ll is where dwelling place.You didn't answer my question. Aren't souls supposed to be immaterial? Where are they before we die?
It ain't that deep.Crackpot theory #1:
Slavery was revenge for the Moorish occupation. In college when I learned that the Moors controlled Spain from 711-1492 A.D. but, then right as they kicked these cats out, this same country leads an expedition to the New World that same literal year (1492) and then began to scavenge the same coast of Africa where the Moors were from to get their slaves Maybe they went a bit further down from Morocco/Western Sahara but, it was the same general region You kick out people that used to rule you for a millennia, then you get slaves from the same region of the world they were from
Crackpot theory #2:
The (white) powers that be know the Egyptians and the Moors were black or had a large, large black component. But they choose to gaslight to maintain the conspiracy that is White Supremacy. They have innumerable amounts of mummies but, only a handful have been tested with a good amount of them coming back with E1B Haplos. If there were no secrets, they'd test every single one and be as transparent as possible but, they're not. That tells me they don't want the public to know. I know there's some rooms or files we don't have access to that only a small percentage of people on this planet do that confirms this stuff.
I believe there is a part of our brain that used to be able to mind read but it was during the earlier part of our evolutionary cycle.It's mostly subconscious and/or we ignore it, but we can sometimes read each other's thoughts.
A lunar eclipse would not exist if that was the case.We never been to the moon
I think the moon luminates itself. Like a light bulb
The city of Atlanta was an experiment that went horribly wrong
Bush knocked down the towers.
Her parents were richT Swift is a plant. She can't sing, can't dance and writes the most basic songs yet she's a global superstar
The city of Atlanta was an experiment that went horribly wrong
I believe there is a part of our brain that used to be able to mind read but it was during the earlier part of our evolutionary cycle.
I think some parts remain. We get hunches that turn out to be correct. We can feel when we're being watched(it's such a simple thing but this skill fascinates me). We legit pick up on bad vibes or really negative energy in the air. To me that shyt ties into a larger skill that was once much stronger. Probably long before we picked up language and didn't need it anymore.