My Top 3 Prison Break LOST Spartacus :takedat:
Christian3o5 All Star Joined May 7, 2012 Messages 4,312 Reputation 862 Daps 5,388 Reppin Miami, FL May 8, 2012 #76 My Top 3 Prison Break LOST Spartacus
Egomaniacal1 Director of the Federal Bureau of Instigation Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 7,327 Reputation 995 Daps 19,078 Reppin Martin, TN May 8, 2012 #77 Cosby Show
OGBobbyJohnson Veteran Joined May 8, 2012 Messages 35,307 Reputation 6,344 Daps 107,451 Reppin Tri State Area May 8, 2012 #78 Fresh Prince Martin Boy Meets World The Wire Its Always Sunny Cheers Boondocks
Red Omega MANTRA Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 4,169 Reputation 77 Daps 2,915 Reppin New York May 8, 2012 #79 LOST
Moose_Greyjoy I DO Not Sow Joined May 7, 2012 Messages 6,110 Reputation 536 Daps 14,885 May 8, 2012 #80 Doctor Who (nobody on here or sohh ever talks about it...I think) And Thrones
Ayo SOHH 2001 Supporter Joined May 8, 2012 Messages 7,051 Reputation 719 Daps 19,129 Reppin Back in MIA May 8, 2012 #81 The Wire. Game of Thrones is quickly overtaking The Sopranos and becoming a close second.
locoloco87 Rookie Joined May 6, 2012 Messages 722 Reputation -100 Daps 454 Reppin NULL May 8, 2012 #82 that show on current tv called journey or some shyt
Ayo SOHH 2001 Supporter Joined May 8, 2012 Messages 7,051 Reputation 719 Daps 19,129 Reppin Back in MIA May 8, 2012 #83 locoloco87 said: that show on current tv called journey or some shyt Click to expand... It's so good that you remember the name...
locoloco87 said: that show on current tv called journey or some shyt Click to expand... It's so good that you remember the name...
beenz Rap Guerilla Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 81,706 Reputation 10,021 Daps 184,295 Reppin The Chi (South Side) May 8, 2012 #84 yup there's pretty much a consensus on this: seinfeld CYE breaking bad the wire sopranos
ThatKidBlackHippy thekid Joined May 2, 2012 Messages 4,784 Reputation 175 Daps 5,079 Reppin thetown to global May 8, 2012 #85 Right now, Game Of Thrones.
beenz Rap Guerilla Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 81,706 Reputation 10,021 Daps 184,295 Reppin The Chi (South Side) May 8, 2012 #86 even tho only a couple of season, Chappelle's Show is definitely on the GOAT list for tv shows.
Rekkapryde GT, LWO, 49ERS, BRAVES, HAWKS, N4O...yeah UMAD! Supporter Hall of Fame Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 149,719 Reputation 27,069 Daps 503,899 Reppin TYRONE GA! May 8, 2012 #87 too many classics... good times cosby seinfield sopranos Dallas wire All in the Family Cheers
hadouken quarter circle forward Joined May 6, 2012 Messages 553 Reputation 60 Daps 637 May 8, 2012 #89 easiest question to answer breh seinfeld
SuburbanPimp Giving game to lames since the 90s Joined Apr 30, 2012 Messages 13,368 Reputation 1,386 Daps 35,633 Reppin In Dallas, From Cleveland May 8, 2012 #90 Comedies Chappelle Show Boondocks Martin Dramas The Wire Breaking Bad Sopranos