What Do Y'all Think About This Comment In regards To Harriet Tubman & The $ 20 Bill???

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
someone share this on FB

Harriet Tubman has just been re enslaved.

Either white people are the smartest, cleverest people on the planet, or black people are the dumbest people on the planet. Now what I just stated is either true or false. Either white people are the smartest, cleverest people on the planet, or black people are the dumbest people on the planet.

Having Harriet Tubman on the $20 is nothing to be celebratory about, rather it is actually quite sickening. Ms. Tubman was a victim of racism and chattel slave under the same exact capitalist white supremacy system that we are currently under. She, as well as other victims of racism and chattel slavery were bought and sold with the same "American" currency we used today. Ms. Tubman didn't fight for free trade, but for freedom. Not for competitive markets, but to destroy competitive markets that placed black slaves upon its' auction blocks. Yet! you out here singing the praises of the actions of white people (women) for making a mockery out of her and insulting your intelligence in the process.

Imagine black people passing $20's around with her face on it to buy and deal drugs, or throwing $20's in the air making it rain on stripper. To buy guns that's only used in cases to kill each other. To buy poor quality foods, getting into clubs, for prostitution, or murder, or worst, to give the face of a slave in the collection plate of white Jesus ( how symbolic is that?), and the immoral list goes on. I can't wait to see all the racial slurs that will be written on $20's and circulated because that is what racism is ‪#‎tacky‬ ‪#‎trifling‬ ‪#‎trashy‬ and ‪#‎terroristic‬ Furthermore,if white people trust in God so much, and declaring it by writing it on their currency, then why not put White Jesus on the $20 instead of Ms. Tubman? Because money is at the root of all evil. Imagine Jesus involved in the buying and selling of drug transaction, or prostitution transactions, don't make moral "christian" sense does it? But somehow it does for Harriet Tubman?

Congrats Harriet Tubman, for in the words of Kanye West, you have now officially just became...

With that said i will no longer be offering any more commentary on this situation.

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
The face on the bill doesn't matter at the end of the day. Whether you have it or not will.

Outside of George Washington most people can't tell you anything about any other face on a bill. Andrew Jackson was a terrible human being but no one knows or cares. Most people think Ben Franklin was a president when he's actually the reason why you're handing over a hundred dollar bill to your electric company. People will cry and complain about this but at the end of the day if you get handed a $20 with her on the front you aren't going to give it back. All these white people crying are not going to go in a bank and tell a teller out loud that they don't want any 20's either.