Joe Flacco
1,478 completions on 2,445 attempts (60.4%)
17,290 Passing Yards (7.1 AVG)
100 Passing TDs
6 Rushing TDs (440 yards on 198 attempts for 2.2 ypc average)
56 INTs
48 fumbles (16 lost)
Sacked 173 times for 1,211 yards
86.0 QB Rating
David Garrard
1,406 completions on 2,281 attempts (61.6%)
16,003 Passing Yards (7.0 AVG)
89 Passing TDs
17 Rushing TDs (1,746 yards on 380 attempts for 4.6 ypc average)
54 INTs
44 fumbles (21 lost)
Sacked 179 times for 1,115 yards
85.8 QB Rating
what does the money have to do with anything ?Garrard signed (at that time) a big contract that was in the top 10 $$ for QBs & made him the highest ever paid Jag, so it wasn't as if he was paid like he was just a game manager
I know what you mean....I just dont see how this changed anything...
and they released him 3 years later, obviously changing their thoughts.Garrard was not seen as a game manager with the Jags, but as the teams "franchise QB" thus the reasin he got paid as so ($1 million less than Romo and nearly identical to what A-Rod was paid).
It's crazy how one pass not dropped/ kick not missed could of changed peoples opinion of him.
He's a starting quarterback that can go beyond being a game manager and win some games. There aren't many QBs out there that can do that or options out there, so the Ravens will end up paying him (not elite money though).