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Theres a great IG account with a bunch of these guys.
Theres a great IG account with a bunch of these guys.
Shoutout to Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert, SGT Buddy Lee Parker, Argenis, Famous B, Ricky Landell, Raven's Flock.
definitely regading Jim Powers...dude turned into a jobber and sat there for a long time. He looked like a million bucks so beating him looked legit. Upper middle card jobber to the starsDefinitely "Bums"
My favorites were Brooklyn Brawler, S.D. Jones (he had his own action figure ), Iron Mike Sharpe, Kent & Keith Cole, Cruel Connection, the Conquistadors, Italian Stallion, Rip Rogers, Brady Boone, and Leaping Lanny Poffo. I would always wanna see Poffo win even tho I knew damn well he was gonna lose
Sometimes in WWF back in the day, if a person intended to be a "superstar" didn't get over, they'd get reduced to jobber status too: that happened to Corporal Kirschner, Sivi Afi, Ronnie Garvin, Sam Houston, Danny Davis, Outback Jack, Jim Powers... after a while, you just knew they were losing to whoever they were going against. Then there's Paul Roma- went from jobber, to superstar, back to jobber, back to superstar.
In WCW, I swear I remember Bagwell being a job guy... or at least he was takin' a lot of Ls on his way up. I think he beat Steve Austin one time and it was treated as this big surprise win.
definitely regading Jim Powers...dude turned into a jobber and sat there for a long time. He looked like a million bucks so beating him looked legit. Upper middle card jobber to the stars
Wow a PEZ WATLEY sightingI read a lot of Apter mags as a kid so I called them preliminary wrestlers (prelim bums if I didn't like them).