Ethnic Vagina Finder
The Great Paper Chaser
Old Face Andre I felt bad for. He stayed getting punked by Marlo.
1. He gets robbed by Omar
2. Marlo jacks him for his ring
3. Chris spits his eye open after killing a delivery lady in front of him
4. He couldn't get no play from a prostitute
5. Bunk comes and fukks up his story when he's just about to be home free
6. Prop Joe lowballs him on his store and then gives him up to Marlo
7. Takes that walk with Chris and Snoop. By then all I could do is
He even tried to negotiate his own death. All he wanted was for his people to find his body 
1. He gets robbed by Omar
2. Marlo jacks him for his ring
3. Chris spits his eye open after killing a delivery lady in front of him
4. He couldn't get no play from a prostitute
5. Bunk comes and fukks up his story when he's just about to be home free
6. Prop Joe lowballs him on his store and then gives him up to Marlo
7. Takes that walk with Chris and Snoop. By then all I could do is