If you work for galactus youre effectively killing billions upon billions of people and entire races on the regular
Sent from Seattle, by way of Ann Arbor on Tapatalk: The Remix

If you work for galactus youre effectively killing billions upon billions of people and entire races on the regular
Sent from Seattle, by way of Ann Arbor on Tapatalk: The Remix
If you work for galactus youre effectively killing billions upon billions of people and entire races on the regular
Sent from Seattle, by way of Ann Arbor on Tapatalk: The Remix
Darth Vader...Luke made the wrong choice.....
probably the most OP anime character ever and he looks out for his people.
If you work for galactus youre effectively killing billions upon billions of people and entire races on the regular
Sent from Seattle, by way of Ann Arbor on Tapatalk: The Remix
But hes holding a cross upside down. Essentially you're saying you want to be a cohort of a demon? Lets be better.
Funny how it was Apostle Paul who started the whole inverted cross thing and now it's seen as evil...