nikkaz gotta understand the areas with the finest chicks have two things in common.
1. It's gotta be financially efficient
2. It's gotta be decent weather year round
Southern California hands down has the finest women in the country for those two reasons. Then places like Dallas, Atlanta, Miami etc because of the weather and they are somewhat affluent areas. Then you got places like DC area where the money is at but the weather isn't the greatest (I grew up in this area, too hot in the summer too cold in the winter) . The southwest and southeast have the finest women in the country. It's not a coincidence that the northeast, midwest and northwest don't have bad bytches or if they do they migrate somewhere else. When was the last time you heard anybody big up bytches in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Ohio, Massachusetts, Philly, Baltimore, Jersey unless they are from there? Cuz all the fine bytches in these area go to the South or west coast.