bro then how come they dont come together to make those types of movies?To me its not that a specific performance or movie was snubbed. Its that the Academy likes to prop up certain "types" of movies that black actors are never prominently shown in. We know that unless its some type of biopic or stereotypical role they wont feature black actors. And said biopics have to make white people feel good about themselves to get awards. Thats why you don't see movies like Malcolm X or Selma winning anything.
The point is that the types of independent/Artsy movies that generally get awards dont normally feature black actors in prominent roles. So I can understand how being part of the business yet never even having access to the possibility of getting these awards would make someone angry. Of course they should've been woke to this a long time ago, which Im sure most are but were still happy as long as the checks were coming. But when you're completely shut out 2 years in a row it becomes too hard to ignore.
Why are we still begging for shyt?
You have a group of people that are more than capable to make a very good indie black movie...yet they would rather complain and beg white people to like them.