I broke it down on a by console then an overall top 3, since I like many others have mentioned I find it hard to just name 3.
1. Dead Space
2. Bioshock
3. Mafia II (was going to go with Batman:Arkham Asylum but I find myself always popping this in over GTA4 and B:AC since I love justing picking a chapter and just fukking around. It felt so rewarding in this game. I was going to list Halo but then I remembered my favorite Halos were 1 nad 2 on the OG Xbox)
1.MGS: Guns Of The Patroits
2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
3.Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (again was going to list GOW 3 but my favorite was the first one on PS2. Heavy Rain was another that almost made the list but the Uncharted franchise is like the only games I play heavy
1. Dead Space: Extraction
2. Wii Sports
3. Punch Out (was going to go all rail shooters since I have proaaly played the RE shooters on the Wii more than anything other than the Dead Space rail shooter)
Overall top 3 games
1.Dead Space
2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
3. Bioshock