For a long time I heard the whole universe was one, but just recently I came to realize why. Without the heart in the body, we would die. So that makes it a part of our bodies. Without the trees, there would be no ovygen an we would die, which makes the trees and oxygen part of our bodies as well. Without the sun & water we would die, so the sun & water are also part of our bodies. Everything in this world is a part of our bodies on a bigger or smaller scale. So what you do to it (the world), you do to yourself. And dont think I'm on some old religious shyt, cause i dont follow religion because it's an illusion, (made up, not real) just like everything else in this world; from politics to culture to law to the concept of time to the language we speak. Everything is something someone made up and people continue to follow as if it's real. For time to exist there would have to be a past and a future but there is no past nor future, for real. Real is something you can touch physically and touch you physically. The Past (memories) and The Future (imagination) are made up of the same things dreams are made of - they don't exist, except in your mind. You can't touch them. The only thing you can touch is the present, but all our lives we walk around in dream land thinking about the past & future (what have I done and what am I gonna do) and end up missing now. By thinking, you're not here in the present cause it's impossible to think in the present. You can only act in the present.
But by years and years of schooling and borrowed KNOWLEDGE we create clouds of thoughts which constantly run our minds, jumping from one thought to the next preventing us from living in the real-ality. Most people are living in the MIND like they are the MIND or like the MIND is them, when actually the MIND is the body --- Simply a tool. I have come to the realization that we are not the MIND because if the fact we can witness our own thoughts. If you can witness your own thoughts then you must be seperate from them cause you can only witness that which you are not. You can't witness yourself, you can only be yourself. That's why you can't see you own face without the help of setting else, like a mirror. But even those who realize they are not the mind are still victims to non-stop thoughts moving through the mind. These thoughts create the barrier that keeps you in dream land and unable to be consciously aware of the present, because mind doesn't exist in the present.
The MIND divides everything
For instance, if you were in the mind you'd think concepts like night & day or life & death were two different things, but in reality they're one. They're opposite poles of the same phenomenon. Without one, the other couldn't exist. To define death you would have to use life (like, without life) and vice versa. The world is made up of opposites but only through the MIND
The MIND needs labels, names, and judgement to keep up it's movement Neverending you see things for what they are. There are always labels; beautiful, ugly, good, bad etc... Someone might see a person as pretty, another might see the same person as ugly, another might not even care, but none of these are what a person is in reality. They are your MIND's creations; and they don't allow you to see reality. If you tried to stop the thoughts from moving through the MIND for 60 seconds, you would find it nearly impossible.
Even when we are asleep, the mind keeps moving.
That's why we have dreams.
Our while being is clouded by the mind, which has all bunch of thoughts jumping around