another powerful thread liquid
as for me i feel like am at cross roads right now, recently got engaged during thanksgiving. Still working this state job which i like but don't love, oddly enough i thought a desk job in front a computer would make me happy but it don't, could be the fact am surrounded by white folks all day but idk . Like the new city i live but don't love it , went back to jersey over the holidays and kinda missed the hood, but when i look at the crime rate between where am living now and there say fuk that lol
back to work though,they opened up unlimited O.T again am gonna eat off some of that and am up for a $2 raise in a month or so, and i recently took special certification training which might net another $1 raise or so, them up in the summer i get a state mandated raise for another dollar and some change, which should put at make right at about or over $20/hr , still not happy though , planned on buying a house in the summer but that's on hold thinking of moving back to the east cost/down south within 2 years (looking hard at N.carolina), might switch career plans up , have three degrees so shouldn't be too hard, my girl has a good job and is starting to work on her masters.
but what i really wanna do is getting this computer information technology school started
i got a half written curriculum already done, i work on it from time to time on my break . Might fuk around and start on a business plan though
thats it for now , am such a procrastinating fuker though