so what happened AFTER the accident??? fine? jail?
The guy I hit had a messed up license. I hit him from behind (no homo) but the cop told me he put him at fault cause he wasn't even supposed to be driving in the first place
But when the cops first came he hopped in the ambulance, cause you know how nikkas do
I got a letter from an attorney representing him like 3 weeks ago requesting my insurance info within 30 days. Im' not seeing how he could sue me if the cop put him at fault and his license wasn;t good. I don't know what to do
Let me get some advice
Oh, I gotta pay $166 cause of the accident. I lost the report the cop gave me and the DMV couldn't pull up the accident cause my license is out of state. I literally tried to pay and I couldn't
So I missed a deadline and I just got that letter saying I gotta pay $166 in 30 days. It was way cheaper than that