Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
starts arguements with u over insignificant things
She blow you off for stupid reasons
"nah I can't make it, I gotta take my fish for a walk."
" I just got a lot of things on my mind right now, sorry if I seem distant"
" I just need a lil ME time"
"Im not feeling well, can we reschedule?"
"my phone has really been acting up, when did you say you called again??"
"I know I went out with Tanya last week, but she needs me, her and Julius broke up"
If out of nowhere, she's becomes too busy when just a week prior, she couldn't get enough of you.
If she on POF
She starts tryna accuse you of cheating more and more when their is no proof. Fellas, if your girl is doing this then she is feeling guilty about sucking that random nikka Tyrone dikk last night.