So the trade market could be the difference in a showdown between Aureatia vs Old Republic.
We are introduced to "Toroa the Awful", well, the new one as we see him in the flashback as "Yakon the Sanctuary". His father didn't want him to become the next Toroa, but he ends up getting killed by Alus who took some of the enchanted swords. Yakon being Toroa getting his revenge on Alus and retrieving the enchanted sword is an intriguing plot line. It is apparent that Alus gets around and involved. Much like we saw in S1, he can be cold with his decisions.
So Mestelexil makes for quite the introduction.
- His first function is that he can learn from death. Which also means it can revive itself.
- Homunculus reconstruction being his 2nd reconstruction. The fact it can use word arts is rather interesting.
- We also have Excil can create Mexcil and vice versa. So basically, an experiment of an offworlder. Basically, what if you could combine their weapons with craft arts from this world.
- To add with the 3rd function, they can't be killed simultaneously. Sounds like you would need to kill them one after the other while the other regenerates.
To be honest, seeing how the others fight against it will certainly be interesting since Mestelexil has so many tools at its disposal.