Decided to watch season 3 of sailor moon crystal (the remake which is supposed to be close to the manga) for the throwback
I decided to just start at the last season because it had a new director and a way bigger budget. Sailor moon is a well known series so I wasn't worried about being confused starting at any point.
To compare the 2, obviously this is only a 12 episode season, but I prefer it over what I remember of the OG moon and could see how someone could hate it. This show (at times) can be very straight to the point unlike the original series. In the OG version, there'd be whole episodes where the "crisis" would be deciding which ice cream they want

versus this one which is much closer to a standard anime's pacing if not a bit faster. If people love the filler content and don't care about the guardian lore stuff, they'd hate this and vice versa.
In this show, they really take this whole moon guardian stuff serious and there is much more urgency in dealing with the world ending threats. Theres pretty much 3 big areas of concern for the guardians:
- Ferro-90, who's some galactus type alien that wants to consume the earth. He needs strong hosts to attach to him on some babadi mind control shyt to give him the ability to travel to where the earth
- Sailor Saturn, who's effectively the Beerus of the series. Shes a god of destruction and has been reincarnated on earth. She blew up the home planet of the guardians and will blow up earth too if the conditions for her waking up are met.
- Sailor Saturn's pops, who doesn't know sailor guardians exist much less Sailor Saturn. He's an evil scientist
The people who are tasked with dealing with all 3 are the outer guardians. They pretty much plan to defeat all hosts and just kill the person saturn is inside of before she can awaken, while hiding this from sailor moon who obviously wont want to murk people.
That is a really good plot setup IMO, the issue comes in where they have too many moving parts and characters to manage in 12 episodes. There's a surprising amount of plot twists but its in quick succession because they still have to fit everything in.They have to go through character development pretty quick too with characters basically hating each other and declaring war to being friends 1-2 episodes later. A main character & one of sailor moons friends DIED and they were acting like it was all in the past half an episode later
I really did not expect much going in. For a nostalgia trip it was decent to be honest