Okay so how can black people be in litigation with the U.S. Government?
Lawyers are not willing to compromise their current jobs for the greater good and disclosure. Lawyers that take on additional legal- related work (government, volunteer, private practice) have to disclose and it’s up to the firm to ascertain whether that work conflicts with their current position or could pose any risks or liabilities to the current position. Law Firms and Corporations are even more restrictive with the type of additional work that attorneys can take on outside the scope of their regular billables. There’s no “one pot fund” so to speak where black attorneys can draw from as compensation in lieu of their regular 9-5s,and it’s not like the Jews or Native Americans who had attorneys represent them due to policy enactments that gave them the backing and funding. This is what complacency of those before us got us in terms of legal maneuvering - nowhere. All talk and no action.
Even if lawyers were to set up a network of anonymous attorneys eventually their names, bar numbers and identifying details would need to be in court filings and authorized documents requiring signature. If the grassroots could start a reparations monetary fund, those with means and black sponsorship organizations there’s no reason to not start the activism going for an actual attorney sponsored reparations program - researchers, analyst, trial preparation, information gathering, technical workers etc. illegal immigrants come over here with no pot to work from and are in talks for half a million sponsored by the ACLU, Even if it’s a downward negotiation from the $450k. That shows the system by design is for every group but us and dumb shills continue running cover for cacs to act like the system they vote into power doesn’t work for them. Tired of this shyt.