you say that like if he had just stayed humble he would have been okay. How many black actors not named Smith or denzel have any stroke or have sustained a long career?He can do it all too, action, drama, comedy. It's a shame his ego started getting to him so Hollywood humbled him with the blackball.
you say that like if he had just stayed humble he would have been okay. How many black actors not named Smith or denzel have any stroke or have sustained a long career?
He can do it all too, action, drama, comedy. It's a shame his ego started getting to him so Hollywood humbled him with the blackball.
for people that dont know who he is like late 90's kids and all the encino men out thereSince when is Wesley Snipes underrated?Hes in the top 5 of top Black actors, he just ain't been in anything that has had any hype in years
for people that dont know who he is like late 90's kids and all the encino men out there
That's an extremely shortlist as it is so him being top 5 isn't exactly an indicator of greatness. I think the premise of this thread is that history has not been kind to Wesley and to be honest it hasn't. He wasn't cleancut like denzel or white sounding like Underwood, didnt have to take comedy/satirical roles using ebonics to disarm whitey like Smith or Jackson did (sans too wong foo) dude always kept it true. Had the right amount of street swagger to his roles all the while doing it with a darkshade of blek. Roles like Mini max, Nino Brown, Flipper purify, Sidney deane, John Cutter and Simon Phoenix alone should really have cemented his legacy for generations. In many ways he was the last blaxploitation star but for millennialsSince when is Wesley Snipes underrated?Hes in the top 5 of top Black actors, he just ain't been in anything that has had any hype in years
What movie other than blade 3 (a character and project he had an emotional attachment to) which we know was basically being torn apart in front of him was he reported as being trouble on?You are right, but in Hollywood Standards he was getting difficult to work with on big production movies with Blade Tragedy aka Trinity being the nail in the coffin for him. So he only started doing movies lower budget/DVD movies before he went to prison minus Brooklyn's Finest. It's good to see him working again post prison. Hopefully he will regain his leading man status with the right project.
drop zone
game of death
art of war
chaos (watched it on USA last week)
demolition man
rising sun
those just on netflix not to mention all his other classics
Wesley was the blackest actor in Hollywood at one point, and I don't mean color, I mean his entire essence was that of a swagged out alpha BLACK man. Even more so than Denzel. He was a joy to watch in White Men Can't Jump, Money Train, Art Of War, and of course Blade.
He was so unapologetically black that im even willing to overlook that Tranny garbage he made and that low-key c00ning in one night stand...