Were the Egyptians black?


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Its amazing the effects that sand has on noses. :troll:

I just think about the effects I see when I go to the beach it really wears away on sand dunes. They have to be replaced every season.

Also I look at my experience when I lived in Morocco. I saw the damage to structures sand can cause over a long periods of a time if left unchecked. Those structures weren't nearly as old as the ones found in Egypt.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
The Dogon are just as much relavent. Due to invasions in Egypt, priests escaped to west Africa with certain knowledge and texts and mixed with them.
To anyone, who agree or disagree with anyone's input. Always question theories presented and research on your own rather true or false.

again, its very simple, the dogon were not involved in the european atlantic slave trade so even if your theory is correct it wouldnt prove that african american descended from egytpians

and also your theory doesnt explain why the dogon do not have a written language like the egytptians did


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
again, its very simple, the dogon were not involved in the european atlantic slave trade so even if your theory is correct it wouldnt prove that african american descended from egytpians

and also your theory doesnt explain why the dogon do not have a written language like the egytptians did

Do you think sand could have worn away the noses?


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
again, its very simple, the dogon were not involved in the european atlantic slave trade so even if your theory is correct it wouldnt prove that african american descended from egytpians

and also your theory doesnt explain why the dogon do not have a written language like the egytptians did

Look who had a written language though

Nsibidi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




May 1, 2012
still clamouring for a respectable history i see

poster is right about white people being a new type of human though

dis blacks for not having a respectable history, affirming the uniqueness of white people. WOW you would do well on st0rmfr0nt.

I wouldn't be surprised if you lurk there or already have an account on st0rmfr0nt.


Jun 11, 2012
yeah but those ethnic groups were not involved in the european slave trade and also cultural similarities (like circumcision, matriarchal families etc) can also be explained by there being an original culture that produced the egyptians AND other africans, its not necessarily obvious that it originated in egypt and egyptians considered their origins to be in the south which would be east africa, there is no reason to assume egyptians were the only group that originated there

What does the their non involvement in the European slave trade have to do with anything? If you are implying even if these people were related to AEs they weren't from the stock AAS came from yoru wrong...Fulani were among the slaves taking from the Sahel region if i recall...I remember reading an article in which an sister from Lousiana traced her ancestory back to Tuaregs in Niger..I highly doubt her forefthers were the only Tuareg enslaved/shippe to Americas...While I haven't found anything on Baggara or Hausa transported to the new world by slave traders I doubt the slave traders were keeping track of what ethnic group every African they caught came from...Furthermroe some Igbo of Nigeria whom contribute heavily to AAs genepool claim descent from Egypt...Dude Egypt is in (North)East Africa...It's been my position for a while now that Egyptians decendend from Taseti(/Kush(modernd day Southern Egypt/Northern Sudan) and migrated North. to expande their territory...Like I said before it's no coincidence the oldest pyrmaids and very beginnings of Ancient Egyptian culture are found in soclled Nubia.


Jun 11, 2012
well you can't rule it out, i agree, but its just so weak i dont think its appropriate to state it as a fact, its an extremely speculative theory and even if it was true we can for sure say they lost whatever made the original civilization great since they never replicated egypt in the west and also the groups that participated in the slave trade are known and they still exist today and they dont claim egypt as their motherland

then there is also the bantu migration Bantu expansion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that has to be taken into account

but overall its too speculative to make any factual statements, i think there being a pre egyptian proto african group that populated africa would explain any genetic links more than an actual migration of "real egyptians"

cuz think about what you are saying, for us to be descended from egyptians you are saying a group went from northeast africa all the way to the west african coast where they where then captured by europeans, its not impossible but its unlikely

Breh...there was an decline in Ancient Egypt(civil war,famine,disease,etc) even before the invasion? Why would your expect a fallen people whom have been broken,uprooted from their homeland( by repeated conquest by all of their most hated enemies) to just start from nothing and recreate arguably the most influential and powerful dynasty the world has known in a newland?If it was all that simple native Ameriandians in Central/South Americans decendents fo the Aztecs and Mayans should've been able to start new civilizations post Spanish conquest:rolleyes:

While those ethnic groups you speak of don't claim Egypt like that you need to keep things in context...Arabism/Islam caused many Africans to abandon their pre Muslim culture do to it being viewed as shameful and paganism...I've even talked with Northern Sudanese of socalled Nubian heritage whom told me that they don't acknowledge want anything to do with Egypt/their pre Islamic history cause it goes against their religon...2ndly you do know Ancient Egypt was only tens of thousands of years ago right? You can't seriously expect anyone muchless such an largely rural uneducated people to able to recollect their ancestry dating back to the earliest documentations of human civilization.....I guess by your logic caust most Africans(outside of those living their don't claim roots in East Africa...then the region being the orign of all Africans in unlikely.

Furthermore West African groups such as the Fulani/Hausa,Tuaregs,Baggara,etc origin i been speculated by numerous socalled exprts that they decended from the North/East Africa and even the Middle East/Western Asia...Why is plausbile that these groups could come as far away as Arabia and North and East Africabut just not Egypt?

Many theories(including those accepted as facts) on AE are specultive..The theory of AEs migrating South West and some of ther decendents being caught up in the European slave trade is just as reasonable as anytheory out there...


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Breh...there was an decline in Ancient Egypt(civil war,famine,disease,etc) even before the invasion? Why would your expect a fallen people whom have been broken,uprooted from their homeland( by repeated conquest by all of their most hated enemies) to just start from nothing and recreate arguably the most influential and powerful dynasty the world has known in a newland?If it was all that simple native Ameriandians in Central/South Americans decendents fo the Aztecs and Mayans should've been able to start new civilizations post Spanish conquest:rolleyes:

While those ethnic groups you speak of don't claim Egypt like that you need to keep things in context...Arabism/Islam caused many Africans to abandon their pre Muslim culture do to it being viewed as shameful and paganism...I've even talked with Northern Sudanese of socalled Nubian heritage whom told me that they don't acknowledge want anything to do with Egypt/their pre Islamic history cause it goes against their religon...2ndly you do know Ancient Egypt was only tens of thousands of years ago right? You can't seriously expect anyone muchless such an largely rural uneducated people to able to recollect their ancestry dating back to the earliest documentations of human civilization.....I guess by your logic caust most Africans(outside of those living their don't claim roots in East Africa...then the region being the orign of all Africans in unlikely.

Furthermore West African groups such as the Fulani/Hausa,Tuaregs,Baggara,etc origin i been speculated by numerous socalled exprts that they decended from the North/East Africa and even the Middle East/Western Asia...Why is plausbile that these groups could come as far away as Arabia and North and East Africabut just not Egypt?

Many theories(including those accepted as facts) on AE are specultive..The theory of AEs migrating South West and some of ther decendents being caught up in the European slave trade is just as reasonable as anytheory out there...



Jun 11, 2012
I don't think they would've gone to west Africa. I think they would've gone south and maybe entered east Africa.

It looks like it would've been FAR more perilous of a journey to go down to Niger, Nigeria or Ghana. They most likely went south into modern Sudan, Chad, Kenya, Ethiopia. A few of them might have gone into northwest Africa, specifically Libya.

Libyan Tawerghans




Right now Arabs in Libya are trying to kill them off or deport them from the country. I have a feeling this sort of thing happened to the native egyptian population which is why there are so few true egyptians left
Tawergha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah I have long suspected the arabization of Egypt(Norh Africa in general)occured in a similar manner as the Europeanizaiton of the Americas....It's fuked up how ayrabs are still racially cleaning Africans off their own land(in Libya) with no reprecussions...yet you still have Bilal ass mosque negroes claiming them as their Muslim brothers:facepalm: The Tawergha and other idienous/black Libyans should arm thesmelves and form a black alliance to defend themselves..The AU also getting off their hands and intervening in Libya like they are talking about doing in Mali would go along way to to saving the black Libyans too ...but i'm not expecting much anytime soon considering the AU lost is backbone when the NATO assisinated Ghaddfi .

Back on topic..I'm sure Kemites fled South East into the countries you mentioned but while the journey from North East to West Africa is no cake walk it's not as uncommon as you would think...Like i've mentioned several times their are ethnic groups whom live in North East and West Africa which a testament to migration that has happend both ways...


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Breh...there was an decline in Ancient Egypt(civil war,famine,disease,etc) even before the invasion? Why would your expect a fallen people whom have been broken,uprooted from their homeland( by repeated conquest by all of their most hated enemies) to just start from nothing and recreate arguably the most influential and powerful dynasty the world has known in a newland?If it was all that simple native Ameriandians in Central/South Americans decendents fo the Aztecs and Mayans should've been able to start new civilizations post Spanish conquest:rolleyes:

While those ethnic groups you speak of don't claim Egypt like that you need to keep things in context...Arabism/Islam caused many Africans to abandon their pre Muslim culture do to it being viewed as shameful and paganism...I've even talked with Northern Sudanese of socalled Nubian heritage whom told me that they don't acknowledge want anything to do with Egypt/their pre Islamic history cause it goes against their religon...2ndly you do know Ancient Egypt was only tens of thousands of years ago right? You can't seriously expect anyone muchless such an largely rural uneducated people to able to recollect their ancestry dating back to the earliest documentations of human civilization.....I guess by your logic caust most Africans(outside of those living their don't claim roots in East Africa...then the region being the orign of all Africans in unlikely.

Furthermore West African groups such as the Fulani/Hausa,Tuaregs,Baggara,etc origin i been speculated by numerous socalled exprts that they decended from the North/East Africa and even the Middle East/Western Asia...Why is plausbile that these groups could come as far away as Arabia and North and East Africabut just not Egypt?

Many theories(including those accepted as facts) on AE are specultive..The theory of AEs migrating South West and some of ther decendents being caught up in the European slave trade is just as reasonable as anytheory out there...

but the reality there is nothing in west africa that jumps out and says west africans are egyptians

unless im missing something all you have stated is that its possible that it happened, i never said that its impossible i just said its unlikely

unless you have evidence you arent really saying anything

a lot of people moved around, thats why i posted the link to the bantu migration http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bantu_expansion

what exactly makes you think ancient egyptians had more of an impact on west africa then something like the bantu migration