-district is one of the best in the nation?
-average household makes double?
From your description and without researching, I could confidently say that this is a High School district with a majority white enrollment, about 60/70% majority. The rest of the enrollment is a mixture of the other ethnic groups, each barely closing in on 10%
So to answer your question about white supremacist agenda....name me a High school in Texas with 60/70% minority enrollment, that could afford to waste on a $60m stadium? The reason why I feel confident in this claim is that I attended a very prestigious private boarding school in the Massachusetts area. Where our meal options would compete with some of the best restaurants, so imagine the quality of education. I was able to get in due to my academics via a program that sought to provide opportunities for minorities who had financial need. The Allen High School does what alot of high quality high schools do, allow a certain percentage of minority enrollment. But keep that minority enrollment to a minimum, regardless of the quality of the student
how many of these minority football athletes are apart of the household that makes double the national average?
How many of these minority students live in the district versus commuting in it?