went to that 60 million high school stadium they got there in dallas tonight


May 8, 2012
Arlington, Tx.
The fukk up part is that every major I.S.D. is laying off teachers. Instead of school taxes going to the school system, it's going to renovating and/or building new sports stadiums. When it comes to sports; We (Texas) are assbackwards; that includes all races.

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
38th in education,yet they graduate more blacks then NY? Homeboy got to come with stats to back that up.I dont think HS graduation rates are that bad,when it comes to us.I thought dropout rates were low?
Apr 30, 2012

you're trying to twist what i said, into some nonsensical idea YOU came up with..not me.

i didn't justify them building that big ass stadium "to keep kids off the street".. i simply stated the obvious when some euro started popping that " fix crime and poverty...dont spend money on a kids game" bullshyt.

It's the fukking South...what part of "quality education for all in the region" has ever taken place there?

The thing about Football is that it's the one thing that Rich,Poor,Black,White all shared in common. It's damn near a right of passage for males in many families....it's not as it "seems" to be... it's what it has been for generations.

It's like you know next to nothing about the South, or how sports have been tied into the racial and economic divide that exists there.


Southern racism and white supremacy is no mystical entity....it's the same game, just the name changes. Nobody needs to be born and raised in the south to know what Southern racism and white supremacy is. But you obviously have brought into the concept of the "South's way of life," so that you could implicitly dismiss rational ideas, with a generic phrase like, "it's the South, you don't understand":bryan:

The thing about ******* is that it's the one thing that Rich,Poor,Black,White all shared in common

This rational sounds familiar, let's see if we could replace the word football, with something:
1) Jazz
2) Cars
3) Basketball
4) Dance
5) Hip Hop

What does all these have in common? Trivial shyt that has no impact on addressing the wealth and political imbalance in this country. Various forms of Entertainment being the common ground for the different classes is nothing new or exclusive to any region of the US/ or any country. It is a conscious effort made by those with money, to ensure their place in society

How many examples have been shown on twitter or youtube videos of white fans rooting for black players on their fav team and then suddenly reverting back to racist comments and jokes the moment they team lose. So just because folks root for the same team don't mean shyt. There's nothing there to tie the racial and economic divide.

Investing money for entertainment purposes, rather than to improve folks' living, educational, and economical condition is a tool used by the racist and/or white supremacist agenda

Gus Money

May 20, 2012
Anyone sincerely defending the creation of a $60 million high school football stadium shouldn't be taken seriously.


Do what you love
Apr 30, 2012
Just in case anyone wants to read some facts about the issues and not babble on like idiots...

The stadium was part of a larger $120 million bond package passed in May 2009 that included nearly as much money for a state-of-the-art auditorium for performing arts;

The town approved a bond package of $219 million in November 2008 that called for the building of two new elementary schools, the purchase of 45 school buses and improvements to many of the other elementary and middle schools in the district;

The money for the project could only be used on capital expenses not general education;

And, this is Texas, after all. Last year, the Allen football team played a game before more than 50,000 fans at the new Texas Stadium.

The facility will replace Allen's existing stadium, built in the late 70s when the suburb - located 25 miles north of Dallas - was much smaller. In the past few decades, the area has seen amazing growth.

The high school, built in 2000, has more than 600,000 square feet and serves 3,900 kids - and that's just between 10th and 12th grades. It is one of the largest in the state and the only one in the district.

A new stadium has been planned since the school was built, but since the area kept growing, capital money went to additional schools first.

"We finally maxed out on growth," said Tim Carroll, the public information director for the district. "This is something that we have wanted to get done for a while, but we had to build schools first."

"In Texas, funding is completely separate between capital projects and general (education) fund," he said. "If we don't build the stadium, none of that money could go to teachers or classrooms."

The proposal passed 63-37.

"This was not that controversial in Allen," Carroll said.

According to NBC DFW, the project has been in the works since 2009, when residents determined the old 14,000-seat stadium wasn’t large enough to accommodate Allen’s fanbase. The expensive undertaking was funded from a $119 million bond package approved by 63 percent of voters three years ago.

"It shows that the people of Allen support their kids," Allen head football coach Tom Westerberg told NBC DFW.

The new stadium is expected to be a solution to the district's growing population and overflowing venue. In the last season, about 400 families entered a lottery for 70 open spots, according to the New York Times. Allen's population doubled to 84,000 over the last 10 years, leading to ballooning school enrollment as the once-small farming community developed into a suburb of high-end retail and entertainment.

Allen's median household income shifted to $85,000, and Allen High's class menu ranges from livestock production to video animation. The school's class of 2010 boasted an average SAT score of 1080, beating the state average by 95 points, according to The Daily.

Athletic director Steve Williams anticipates around 8,000 season ticket holders, most of which are already accounted for. A few season tickets will be made available early next week, and are expected to go quickly.

The facility will not cater exclusively to football, as it also features an indoor golf practice area and wrestling practice facility.

Christian Herr, an architect with PBK who worked on the project, said he expects other districts will be incentivized to build bigger stadiums after playing in Allen.

"There's a competition -- not only on the field, but off the field -- where they're going to want larger stadiums as well," he told NBC DFW.

With high school football considered a religion in Texas, it should come as no surprise that, according to TIME, Eagle Stadium is only the third-largest high school arena in the state -- though the largest used exclusively by one team.

The Eagles will christen the field on Aug. 31, when they host defending state champion Southlake Carroll.

Allen Eagle Stadium's construction continued even as Texas lawmakers cut the state's education funding by $4 billion, reducing all school district tax rates by about one-third in 2006. By the 2011-2012 school year, Allen was facing a $4.5 million budget shortfall and was forced to cut 44 teaching positions and 40 support positions through attrition and voluntary buyouts.

While the simultaneous educational budget cuts and glamorous stadium construction yielded an incongruous couple, the school's operating budget stood separate from construction. So in October 2011, Allen voters agreed to increase property tax rates by $0.13 to offset state education cuts.



It is what it is..
May 2, 2012

Allen, Texas opens its $60 million high school football stadium tonight | Photography Blog

That is dope..


Power is in my hair nikka
May 1, 2012
From The Westside With Love
This rational sounds familiar, let's see if we could replace the word football, with something:
1) Jazz
2) Cars
3) Basketball
4) Dance
5) Hip Hop

What does all these have in common? Trivial shyt that has no impact on addressing the wealth and political imbalance in this country. Various forms of Entertainment being the common ground for the different classes is nothing new or exclusive to any region of the US/ or any country. It is a conscious effort made by those with money, to ensure their place in society

How many examples have been shown on twitter or youtube videos of white fans rooting for black players on their fav team and then suddenly reverting back to racist comments and jokes the moment they team lose. So just because folks root for the same team don't mean shyt. There's nothing there to tie the racial and economic divide.

Investing money for entertainment purposes, rather than to improve folks' living, educational, and economical condition is a tool used by the racist and/or white supremacist agenda

What you're missing is that their school district is one of the best in the nation...and the average household in the district makes double the national average.

on top of that it's an INDEPENDENT school district.

So what is exactly racist? The people of the community making twice as much as the average American family? Or them spending their own money to provide their own top notch school district with top notch amenities?

Can you explain how folks in a school district that are well off in terms of education,income and living conditions are supporting a white supremacist agenda by building a $23 million performing arts center and a $60 million football stadium?

they got a 800 member marching band... Thats nearly three times the size of the UT band.

them being excessive in the arts isn't an issue..only the fact they built a big ass stadium for football is.


Apr 30, 2012

What you're missing is that their school district is one of the best in the nation...and the average household in the district makes double the national average.

on top of that it's an INDEPENDENT school district.

So what is exactly racist? The people of the community making twice as much as the average American family? Or them spending their own money to provide their own top notch school district with top notch amenities?

Can you explain how folks in a school district that are well off in terms of education,income and living conditions are supporting a white supremacist agenda by building a $23 million performing arts center and a $60 million football stadium?

they got a 800 member marching band... Thats nearly three times the size of the UT band.

them being excessive in the arts isn't an issue..only the fact they built a big ass stadium for football is.


-district is one of the best in the nation?
-average household makes double?

From your description and without researching, I could confidently say that this is a High School district with a majority white enrollment, about 60/70% majority. The rest of the enrollment is a mixture of the other ethnic groups, each barely closing in on 10%

So to answer your question about white supremacist agenda....name me a High school in Texas with 60/70% minority enrollment, that could afford to waste on a $60m stadium? The reason why I feel confident in this claim is that I attended a very prestigious private boarding school in the Massachusetts area. Where our meal options would compete with some of the best restaurants, so imagine the quality of education. I was able to get in due to my academics via a program that sought to provide opportunities for minorities who had financial need. The Allen High School does what alot of high quality high schools do, allow a certain percentage of minority enrollment. But keep that minority enrollment to a minimum, regardless of the quality of the student

how many of these minority football athletes are apart of the household that makes double the national average?
How many of these minority students live in the district versus commuting in it?


Future GOAT
Aug 20, 2012
Groveside, TX
Niggga when I flew in to Dallas I could see that ho and Jesuit. My sense of direction all got fuccked up cause I thought both them HS were Jerry's World :sadcam:


Power is in my hair nikka
May 1, 2012
From The Westside With Love
-district is one of the best in the nation?
-average household makes double?

From your description and without researching, I could confidently say that this is a High School district with a majority white enrollment, about 60/70% majority. The rest of the enrollment is a mixture of the other ethnic groups, each barely closing in on 10%

So to answer your question about white supremacist agenda....name me a High school in Texas with 60/70% minority enrollment, that could afford to waste on a $60m stadium? The reason why I feel confident in this claim is that I attended a very prestigious private boarding school in the Massachusetts area. Where our meal options would compete with some of the best restaurants, so imagine the quality of education. I was able to get in due to my academics via a program that sought to provide opportunities for minorities who had financial need. The Allen High School does what alot of high quality high schools do, allow a certain percentage of minority enrollment. But keep that minority enrollment to a minimum, regardless of the quality of the student

how many of these minority football athletes are apart of the household that makes double the national average?
How many of these minority students live in the district versus commuting in it?

breh, instead of trying to be some Pseudo Intellectual...

why dont you read a few posts up about the entirety of the fukking bill passed that allowed the stadium to be built.

Allen High School is a fukking PUBLIC school, not a Prestigious Private Boarding School.

You sound stupid trying to be smart.
Apr 30, 2012

breh, instead of trying to be some Pseudo Intellectual...

why dont you read a few posts up about the entirety of the fukking bill passed that allowed the stadium to be built.

Allen High School is a fukking PUBLIC school, not a Prestigious Private Boarding School.

You sound stupid trying to be smart.


I'm referencing basic shyt, but yet you claim I'm trying to be an intellectual. Don't resort to applying labels to folks so you could dismiss them cause your argument is weak and stop trying to piggy back on the next man's argument, stand on your own two bruh. There's nothing in what he post, that counter what I said, but instead supports it

You were the one talmbout the high quality of their education, high graduation rates, and the high average family income, like that is a surprise when the majority of those folks are white. Similar structure to the private high school I mentioned, thus that suggest it's not exclusive to that Southern district or any other region that practices white supremacist agenda


May 2, 2012
lmao the oakland a's cant even get 60 mil to build a new stadium
