Went to a Psychic for the First Time Today :mindblown:


Feb 2, 2016
How do I obtain this?

Acid or LSD is my guess. Keep in my mind the nikka said he went to space too. So I dont know what he popping but breh be on that good shyt. Personally dont think our minds are programmed to understand the realities of different dimensions. Our minds cant comprehend that which it cannot recogonize.

Imagine what happens around us everyday that we cant comprehend because it is occurring on a wavel length so elevated that we dont even know how to acknowledge its exisistence. Personally thats why I cant wait to die. Because we will be free to travel endlessly in the dream world and eventually master it and be able to manifest anything at our desire.

When you sleep you dream..so when you die wouldnt you just dream endlessly forever?..To that effect what if our entire exisistence is someone elses dream world...

Yes im smoking loud....


Jan 29, 2015
Acid or LSD is my guess. Keep in my mind the nikka said he went to space too. So I dont know what he popping but breh be on that good shyt. Personally dont think our minds are programmed to understand the realities of different dimensions. Our minds cant comprehend that which it cannot recogonize.

Imagine what happens around us everyday that we cant comprehend because it is occurring on a wavel length so elevated that we dont even know how to acknowledge its exisistence. Personally thats why I cant wait to die. Because we will be free to travel endlessly in the dream world and eventually master it and be able to manifest anything at our desire.

When you sleep you dream..so when you die wouldnt you just dream endlessly forever?..To that effect what if our entire exisistence is someone elses dream world...

Yes im smoking loud....
Prob dmt


Apr 15, 2015
Talked to a psychic in 08. She started by reading my palm. Told me I had the hands of an artist and I would be successful in the entertainment biz. She didn't know that I make music so I was like :ehh: seams legit

Told me a lot about my personality that was accurate and even told me I would be rich by 2010:francis:

:stopitslime: its 2016

Then she ask if I have 3 kids. :what:I say hell no and she was :usure: like well you will have 3 before you die. One with a really pretty lightskin girl (she accurately gave a description of my current girl who I hadn't met yet) and 2 with a dark skin girl that won't be planned. Then she says "don't do that it'll be too hard and one girl would be jealous of the other and cause problems" Not really a prediction cause anyone can see that being a problem.

Overall she was about 85% accurate on things that have happened since then. Even told me I would live till 72. The shyt that hasn't happened yet may not be in stone and the way she was talking lead me to believe that we can affect our future good or bad. Maybe I did/didn't do something and some things have changed cause a nikka still ain't rich :martin:

She said I had nothing to worry about tho :myman:
Should've played the lotto :ufdup:
Be destined to get rich and blow it brehs
Strap up when u cheat on your light skin girl though


Nov 19, 2013
Ok, y'all. This story is no bullshyt. I don't really post in TLR very often, but my Tunnel, Coli and Booth brehs can vouch that I'm a rather on-the-level individual.

So, I'm randomly walking down Wilshire on Tuesday headed to the gym and this lady walks up to me and asks me something. Now, if you're familiar with the Westlake / K-Town are of LA, most of the time, those encounters are usually money solicitations. I take out my headphones and am like, "Excuse me, can I help you?" She tells me she's a psychic and she said she felt my powerful spirit and needed to speak with me.

As a dude who finds anything he can as reasons to procrastinate from the gym, I decided I'd entertain her for a couple minutes. She tells me off the rip that I used to work with weed before. I laughed. When I lived in Oregon, I would prune trees at my homey's outdoor grow facility for like two summers.

She also urged to get back into the weed business. The trip is my roommates and I were just talking about doing some legal indoor growing just a month back. This lady know has my attention.

She goes on to say some rather accurate stuff about me and then offers me a free one hour consultation if I chose. I said cool, she gave me her card, and dipped.

Today, I decided to hit her up. I used my local (323) Google number to text her thinking that if she was Fugazi and tried to run the number in some sort of program, it wouldn't bring back much (I dunno, lol). We set up a time and at 5:30p I was at her location.

This lady started the reading off on the wrong foot by claiming my mother and I have a bad relationship my entire life; which, is not accurate at all. I was like, "damn it, am I wasting my time?"

Here's the crazy part ...

Things started to warm up with respect to her accuracy and I became more confident in her abilities. So, about a half-hour in, she interrupts herself and says, "So ... why do I sense ... who's Kevin?"

I'm like :mindblown::whoa::lupe:

My homey Kevin just passed away two weeks ago. I was like GTFOH!

Dawg, I mean, I was kinda already impressed with this lady, then she drops this shyt.

Btw, once again, I didn't pay for this consultation or nothing. Literally free.

I know most folks are skeptical, and I don't blame them for I was like that, but this shyt got me like :wtf::dahell::deadrose:now.

I dunno...

If you told her your name, she could've googled you and found your info/social media.


Aug 9, 2013
I got my palm read recently. Basically she told me to focus on my goals for the next 5 years. She told me an ex of mine is still sending me negative energy. That I attract jealousy and shouldn't tell my plans to others until after they happen, that I should watch who I trust. And that my future in creative fields is quite positive.