the cac mamba
havent cringed this hard since i saw the Vegas shooting pictures
is burger king ja rule of the fast food industry?
So to people shouting corny and cultureless:
Would you rather have them spitting bars about how many kilos they got coming in and selling, or elaborate wordplay on how big their guns are and killing each others families
See what happens when you make it ok to let cacs in our culture like cash meoutside
They've been signing the checks since 79
That's not what i meant.
Im talking about hyping up iggy azalea, cash mw outside and alot these non black rappers don't really respect black people and act like hip hop isn't black culture
If you tell anyone that isn't black that hip hop and rap belongs to Black people watch them get offended and defensive
Like I said...the forefathers turned in any resemblance of ownership for a dookie chain & ragtop so to think you could simply relegate them to silent partners until the end of time seems a bit naive. I'm sorry...Rap is for everybody now