Rudolph the red nose reindeer was black
Haha, people and their mythological idols
Rudolph the red nose reindeer was black
Yeah, and Santa Claus is an imaginary character so there shouldn't have been a debate over what he looked like. Unfortunately conservac*nts like Megyn Kelly had to take it to the outer rim.
after watching the response this is the reason i just stopped fuqqin with fnc. megan has turned into a female version of bill oreilly. ie they are alright in talkin about other sh1t not concerning race and have good arguments. but when anything not concerning race you get to see a very dark ugly side of them. so i had to stop fuqqin with bill oreilly and now megan kelly.She did....claimed she was just "joking", which she barely committed to as an excuse since its so laughably dishonest, and she also called people who criticized her remarks "race-baiters". Just mind-numbing stuff.
niccas we gonna have to step up. these white folks havin too much fun with this while we get trolled by megan with stupid sh1t...