Te spirit if her comments were based off of her husband and her team losing and her being salty.
It ain't hard to tell.
Go back that bum hooters bytch and her thought process. I bet y'all niqqas are the types who when shyt doesn't go your way y'all can't chalk it up to the game and just get nasty cuz you're bytch made.
Y'all niqqas are straight up backing bytch made behavior...
I repeat - she made the comments after Ray Lewis was actually relevant to her to her on a personal level. Namely ,after her husband played him and lost.
How does that make what she's saying less valid?
I'll bet you never give a shyt about plenty of things -- things that you WOULD otherwise care about if you had some personal connection to them
"Ahhh the only reason he's salty about the school system is because his son got bad grades."

How does that make the criticism any less credible or relevant?