Peter Popoff
Baba Yega in black uptowns
I agree. I wish the win wasn't as predictable as just using the finisher. Some of the regular moves look more devastating than the actual finisher.I remember back in the day when only a handful of guys had finishers. Everybody else had characters but no real finisher and were just as over as those that had finishers. When I look at some of these weak ass finishers of today it makes me wish that some of them just didn’t have a finisher at all and just won by unpredictable means all the time. Would be a little more exciting..
Now don’t misinterpret what I said, Almost every wrestler back in the day had a signature move. But their signature move wasn’t always a finisher.
It's like if Miz did a piledriver through a table and opponent broke out at the brink of 2.5 but then that same opponent finally loses to his weak ass finisher.
Same with KO and his pop up power bomb. That shyt is more devastating than that stunner.
Seth Rollins suplex into Mishinoku (sp) driver is the same thing when he use to use that weak ass pedigree.