The past few days has made me realize something. You black men are complete pussies when it comes to checking each other, but you have no problem pointing out a black woman's flaw or telling them what they need to do for the black community.
This whole street harassment thing has shown me that instead of acknowledging black women and their concerns, they would rather make fun and point fingers at her. "Oh you were probably dressed like a slut." "Oh you made it up, that doesn't happen to my mama(cousin, auntie, grandma)." You do anything to avoid having to look at your fellow black man and acknowledge that he is the problem and he needs to be addressed.
It's not just this issue, it's with drug selling in the community, dead beats not parenting their kids, and more issues, you point the finger at black women, you blame " black matriarchy" without even thinking of the black man's hand in all of these issues.
On another forum, a male poster made a thread asking black women not to give up on black men, yet I won't hold my breath for a don't give up on black women thread because he would actually have to criticize another black man and we know black men don't do that especially when it is in defense of black women.
Take your neg reps or whatever other crap you think will bother me and kindly shove it up your ass. Don't bother posting one or two dusty old videos of one of the few black men with balls to check other black men. We knew the majority are not like that. Also I am not here to argue, I came to give my opinion and there is no amount of bullshyt you can spew that will change what I see with my own eyes.